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Zoznam aktualizácií Email Marketéra

== Changelog ==

= 1.37.4 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue where sometimes, a campaign was sent more than once, due to cron running more than once at the same time.

= 1.37.3 =
* Fix: Fixed a small issue where email addresses with a + sign didn’t show properly during the signup process.

= 1.37.2 =
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning in webhook signups.

= 1.37.1 =
* Fix: You can now override default translations by copying a translation file to /wp-content/languages/plugins/.

= 1.37.0 =
* Add: Added a new way to sign up using a webhook.
* Add: Added signup options as icons/logos to the list of emailing lists.

= 1.36.2 =
* Add: Added an option to mark articles as political endorsement inside the email campaign.

= 1.36.1 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue where all orders from customers who had abandoned cart in the past were wrongly marked as recovered.

= 1.36.0 =
* Add: New feature: Added support for newsletters where the main content is products.
* Add: Added new email title and headline options for products an other CPTs.

= 1.35.1 =
* Tweak: Increased priority for registering CPTs so that they stay together in the admin menu.

= 1.35.0 =
* Add: New feature: Added newsletter support for custom post types.

= 1.34.6 =
* Fix: Fixed fatal error on plugin deactivation related to WooCommerce and crons.

= 1.34.5 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue where abandoned carts were not subscribing customers.

= 1.34.4 =
* Add: Added an option to manually update campaigns from dashboard widget.

= 1.34.3 =
* Add: Added cron checks and printing of the status in dashboard widget.

= 1.34.2 =
* Fix: Fixed PHP warnings in AbandonedCarts.

= 1.34.1 =
* Add: Added AJAX to save customers email during checkout.

= 1.34.0 =
* Add: Added abandoned cart functionality – beta version.
* Fix: A few minor fixes.
* Dev: Refactored email generator classes.

= 1.33.5 =
* Tweak: Moved the paid post tag checkbox to the bottom position in post edit screen.
* Tweak: Renamed newsletter checkboxes in post edit screen so they are easier to understand.

= 1.33.4 =
* Fix: Deleted blog post caused fatal error when viewing old campaigns.

= 1.33.3 =
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning notices in dashboard widget when there were no newsletter posts yet.

= 1.33.2 =
* Tweak: Updated API connection.

= 1.33.1 =
* Fix: Fixed unescaped tags in campaign subject.

= 1.33.0 =
* Add: Added signups via Contact Form 7 forms.
* Fix: Fixed wrongly deleted code that made shortcodes in widgets stop working.

= 1.32.0 =
* Add: Added custom input field to optin forms to effectively create contact forms.
* Tweak: Fixed connection between labels and inputs in signup forms.
* Fix: Fixed potential fatal error when no emailing list was selected in signup widget.

= 1.31.3 =
* Tweak: Hid dashboard widget for non-admin users.

= 1.31.2 =
* Tweak: Hid the optional text from checkout signup field label.
* Add: Added checkout signup checkbox highlighting.

= 1.31.1 =
* Fix: Fixed fatal error in widget signup form.
* Fix: Fixed badly escaped signup form description.

= 1.31.0 =
* Add: Added signup form shortcode.
* Add: Added new options to change signup form styling using the shortcode.
* Tweak: Signup name and email shortcode now accept more get attributes.
* Dev: Escaped attributes in signup form html code.

= 1.30.2 =
* Fix: Filtered out strong tag from email subject.
* Fix: Filtered out shortcodes (WPBakery Page Builder codes) from article excerpts.

= 1.30.1 =
* Add: Added an option to choose how many banner ads can be added to each campaign.

= 1.30.0 =
* Add: Added dashboard widget.

= 1.29.2 =
* Fix: Fixed badly escaped email subject/campaign title.

= 1.29.1 =
* Add: Coupon is now added to order meta and displayed in order edit screen.

= 1.29.0 =
* Add: During eshop signup, plugin now automatically checks for coupons generated by Bonsai Woo Coupons plugin. If there is a coupon available, it is added to the subscriber.

= 1.28.4 =
* Tweak: Changed email subject title for Vyber sefredaktora.

= 1.28.3 =
* Tweak: Add first 40 words of article content into the email, if excerpt is not defined for the article.
* New: Added title to new products section inside email template.

= 1.28.2 =
* Tweak: Click statistics will now show article name instead of just the URL.

= 1.28.1 =
* Fix: Attempt to fix delivery issue in some email clients (Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail).
* Tweak: Hidden HTML and CSS comments from HTML email templates.
* Add: Added some recommended CSS styles for to HTML email templates.
* Add: Changed styling logo and footer logo in plugin options to support Outlook and Windows Mail email clients.
* Fix: Added html width to images inside email templates.

= 1.28.0 =
* Add: Added new class to connect to Email Marketer directly.
* Add: Added an option to see in wp-admin what links in what campaigns a particular subscriber clicked.
* Fix: Enabled HTML to be used in signup form widget privacy policy texts.

= 1.27.1 =
* Fix: Manual WooSignup checkbox did not show when using WPML.
* Fix: Updating emailing list subscriber counts did not work.

= 1.27.0 =
* New: Added plugin update checker.

= 1.26.1 =
* Fix: Manual campaign has wrong (future) date.
* Fix: Send now function confirmation window didn’t work properly.
* Fix: Deleted ajax hook to send campaign now for users that are not logged in.
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning in AdPost.
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning on failed file_get_contents calling Email Marketer API.
* Fix: Fixed error when subject article was not being saved to db.
* Dev: Added a check for valid json in ajax response and a new admin notice when it failes.

= 1.26.0 =
* New: Added signups through Stripe Payments forms.
* Dev: Better visualization of enabled emailing list signups in admin page.
* Dev: Added default responsed to Email Marketer API.
* Dev: Added check to not run Checkout signups if WooCommerce is not active.
* Dev: Refactored getting emailing lists inside EverestFormsSignups.

= 1.25.3 =
* Fix: Campaign was sent with wrong (default) email subject.

= 1.25.2 =
* Tweak: Added Email Marketer symbol to admin menu CTPs.

= 1.25.1 =
* Fix: Fixed issue where only registered users were getting signed up on WC order.

= 1.25.0 =
* Add: Campaign and template emails can now contain social icons in the footer.
* Dev: Refactored: Joined email header and footer for transactional and campaign emails.

= 1.24.2 =
* Fix: Custom field last purchase value didn’t accept cents.

= 1.24.1 =
* Dev: Added additional fields to manual WooCommerce signups.

= 1.24.0 =
* Dev: Added automatic WooCommerce signups, now supporting new custom fields.
* Fix: Fixed PHP warning.

= 1.23.0 =
* Dev: Added CSS to style email text links.
* Tweak: Strip HTML tags from plain-text email introduction text and ad text.

= 1.22.0 =
* Dev: Added option to add new WooCommerce products to newsletters.
* Tweak: Changed left image article width to percentage for mobile optimization.

= 1.21.3 =
* Fix: Added plain text version of newsletter ad.

= 1.21.2 =
* Fix: Update sending_done on manual ad save.

= 1.21.1 =
* Fix: Fixed AJAX error when sending campaign manually.
* Fix: When manually sending campaign, then publish new campaign.

= 1.21.0 =
* Dev: Campaign emails now support plain text.

= 1.20.0 =
* Dev: Added option to set subject template for when article title will be in it.
* Dev: Set an article as campaigns email subject.

= 1.19.0 =
* Dev: Added option to have separate email subject and email title templates.

= 1.18.0 =
* Dev: Send campaign now by manually pressing a button.
* Enhancement: New campaign is not created right away after a campaign is sent, but only when getting the last campaign
* for the newsletter and that campaign has already been sent.

= 1.17.2 =
* Fix: Fixed wrongly sending campaigns even when disallowed in admin.

= 1.17.1 =
* Dev: Added admin CSS and JS.
* Dev: Added to campaign details page links to campaign statistics, and previous and next campaigns.

= 1.17.0 =
* Dev: Allow custom older articles title.
* Dev: Allow HTML in campaign introduction text.
* Tweak: Color-coded sending/scheduled times inside campaing details page.
* Fix: Moved ad description text outside paragraph tags.
* Tweak: Added revisions to emailing list and newsletter post type.

= 1.16.2 =
* Dev: Properly filter HTML in newsletter ad descriptions.
* Dev: Allow text-only newsletter ads.

= 1.16.1 =
* Fix: Need to reset variables for each new subscriber.

= 1.16.0 =
* Feature: Bulk subscriber import from Mailchimp.
* Dev: Added notice printer for admin pages.

= 1.15.0 =
* Feature: User confirmed registration signups.

= 1.14.3 =
* Dev: Changed confirmation email templates to enable using large images without breaking the email design.

= 1.14.2 =
* Fix: Fixed badly escaped UTM attributes on links inside campaign emails.

= 1.14.1 =
* Fix: Error when using multilingual signups caused post categories to be doubled.

= 1.14.0 =
* Dev: Make WC order signups work with WPML.

= 1.13.0 =
* Dev: Changed email content selection to using array.
* Dev: Added nice select boxes to admin pages.

= 1.12.0 =
* Dev: Option to choose different article style for each newsletter.

= 1.11.2 =
* Fix: Fatal error when newsletter email subject is set to article title, but no articles are set for the newsletter.
* Enhancement: Better visualization of email subject templates.

= 1.11.1 =
* Fix: Added a check for whether to include older articles or ads into the campaign.

= 1.11.0 =
* Feature: New ads functionality. Enables users to set up ads to be send inside email campaigns.

= 1.10.1 =
* Dev: Allow filtering campaigns by newsletters in admin campaign lists.
* Fix: Fixed an error when you couldn’t save an empty value for newsletter introduction text.

= 1.10.0 =
* Dev: Everest Forms signup now works with Checkbox or Privacy Policy form element.
* Dev: Allow to select more Everest Forms forms in Emailing List settings.

= 1.9.2 =
* Fix: Fixed undefined variable warning.
* Dev: Add Everest Forms to allowed signup methods in emailing lists list.

= 1.9.1 =
* Fix: Added unsubscribe link to email template.

= 1.9.0 =
* Dev: Updated email templates generator.
* Dev: Added empty email template generator.

= 1.8.0 =
* Dev: Updated email templates.

= 1.7.0 =
* Dev: Added support for Everest Forms signups.

= 1.6.0 =
* Dev: Refactoring newsletter sending.

= 1.5.1 =
* Tweak: Better styling of campaign articles in campaign lists admin page.
* Fix: Fixed some php warnings.
* Enhancement: Better debugging.

= 1.5.0 =
* Dev: Added .po/.mo files support.

= 1.4.0 =
* Dev: Added eshop checkout signup functionality.

= 1.3.0 =
* Feature: Added email template generator.
* Enhancement: Some input fields are now better processed as paragraph elements.

= 1.2.0 =
* Feature: Added signup form functionality.

= 1.1.0 =
* Enhancement: Updated debug class.
* Fixed: Fixed issue when cron jobs didn’t start on plugin activation.

= 1.0.0 =
* Refactoring to namespaces.

= 0.1.0 =
* First version.